Monday, March 14, 2016

No News is Mostly Good News

Its been awhile since I last posted. And I think that's because when Nochy got his cast off it changed our lives. At first it was scary and it seemed like we were taking many steps backwards,

But after spending an amazing week in Orlando (I highly recommend taking a child in a wheelchair to Disney Parks), when we got back to our day to day life I realized that it got much easier.

In the brace Nochy can go up and down stairs by himself (he moved back into his room), get himself dressed, mostly get breakfast, etc. He can get himself in and out of the car.

Even better, we rarely use the wheelchair anymore, or at least not for day to day life. I don't have to shlep it to and from school- which was really killing me, and my neck and shoulders.

I still have to pick him up from school everyday because he can't ride the bus, but he did rejoin all of his carpools, which is unbelievable.

There are still a lot of hard times.....

Like the fact that the lady who made our brace has never made this kind of brace before, and truthfully, it's been like 2 months, and the brace is still not quite right (but we're working on it).

And at our 6 week checkup it became clear that Noch had already lost a lot of flexibility, so he warned us that re-casting might seriously be in our future. (I cried at that one)

And though his swimming has gotten quite good, and he is super happy to take the brace off for a few hours a day, he's still limited, which sometimes still makes him cry for hours on end during a bad day.

But we're really trying to take it day by day. He just got into a very special camp for kids with physical diseases this summer, and he's really excited about that.

Hopefully I'll update more regularly, but see pictures below from Orlando, walking around without his brace, and more.