Sunday, July 17, 2016

Camp Simcha and Becoming Routine

Well, it's been I've six months since nochy has been in the brace, more than that if you include the cast. And though we still have some low and frustrating moments, it's really just become the way we live our lives. ...

Some days or weeks go by, and I barely even register that anything is different. And then some weeks it's a day to day big deal.

Daily what are the changes? Well we go to PT once a week and do our execuses every night for 20 minutes. Nochy is supposed to be in his brace for 21 hours a day, so we do fight with him sometimes about when it's time to out it back on. It takes him longer to get in and our of the car and up stairs. But he is so quick and agile on his crutches, it's amazing. Since the summer has started nochy is surrounded by kids playing ball and I think it's so hard for him that he can't join in...

I think when it hits us the most is when other people see him and have a big reaction and they ask "what's wrong or what happened to him".  Then we remember it's kinda a big deal.

I included a picture of his teacher from this past year who was really a hero. He made the year doable for noch, and I will be grateful for the rest of my life.

The other thing I am grateful for is this amazing organization called chai lifeline and their camp, camp simcha. Camp Simchs is a place for kids with cancer or disabilities and it's an overnight, 2 week, best days of your life,  constant party type of thing. Nochy is going on July 28th and it's really been the one thing he has to look forward to this year. We're so grateful. 

Dr Roberts says we "stay the course " and we'll reassess in January,  so that's where we are free now. Nothing bad.... though a few times we thought he would need to be recasted but th rough the grace of G-d that hasn't happened (yet). And he says there might even be some signs that the bone is starting to heal, so that's awesome too.

Ups and downs,  smiles and tears,  that's pretty much been the year for us. Stay tuned for.more updates.