Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Last night in a petrie cast

Can you believe it's been six weeks?

Well we can't.  Quite honestly the time flew by which is hopeful to all of you out there who are starting,  it really does become the new normal.

And I really believe that G-d did it this way on purpose in steps cuz I wouldn't have been able to handle it all otherwise. First complete activity rest, which we thought was so hard, then the Petrie casts for Sox weeks, which we thought would be crazy,  and now the brace for a year, which seems ridiculous, but maybe just maybe we'll be ok with that too....

So we'll let you know how it goes. We leave for Florida on sunday morning,  so stay tuned for brace pictures and ranting about putting a disabled child on a plane rants.....

When I went to pick up nochy from school today I saw something new, everyone had given the cast a bonvoyage by signing it, teachers, friends, aides, and so nochys dad and I signed it too.

Tomorrow is a special day for another reason to, it's our 15 year wedding anniversary. And thankfully I think the only reason we've been able to do this is because we have eachother. If we only knew all of the blessings and hurdles that would.come our way when we were young  and naive so many years ago....

Thank you everyone for your support, thank you G-d for holding us the whole way.

Let's see what tomorrow will bring...

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