Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Brace

Thursday was a hard day. 

We arrived at dr roberts office at 815, we left the brace lady's office at 2 pm. Everything took hours longer than it was supposed to and caused a lot of issues.  I didn't get to work,  nobody ate anything,  it was insane.

But that's how it is sometimes I guess.  It was hard though and mostly due to the fact that no one had ever done this before. Dr roberts had put these casts on but not off. And Angela,  our brace lady, had never made an A frame brace. So yeah.

And I think we were all sad, none more than nochy, at how hard it is to adjust to the brace. He can hardly move again and couldn't do a lot of things he had already relearned  how to do.

And though it was amazing to take them off..... he can barely even move his legs, let alone support himself.

He refused school Friday,  but we made him go because it was his last day before we go on our vacation.

Today he cried when I put his brace back on after he went to the bathroom. He cried and said "isn't six weeks enough, why are you doing this to me". Man, straight to the heart.

But he'll get used to it, he'll get stronger, it just feels like a long road ahead.

Well wish us luck, tomorrow morning were off to the airport and disneyworld.  Hopefully my posts will get more positive once again.

Hopefully this vacation will be the uplift to our spirits that I think we all need right now.

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