Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Nochy

Nochy turned 8 yesterday, and today I threw him a birthday party. This may not seem like such a huge deal, but to us it was because I don't do this, I don't throw big birthday parties.
But INochyPresents asked Nochy what he wanted for his birthday and his answer was clear and fast- he wanted all of his friends over, and he wanted lots of presents. So we gave it to him- really how could we say no....
Because I don't know what this year will hold for Noch. 6 months ago he was diagnosed with Perthes. Seven months ago he started limping. Seven months ago he was playing soccer and basketball and being like any other athletic kid. Six months ago we were told he had a rare hip "disease". Six months ago we were told he can't play sports, can't run, can't jump, and no real clear answer as to when he can return to these things again.
Its been four days since the doctor recommended surgery and something called Petrie Casts. In the pits of our stomachs both my husband and I knew this was coming, but oy. Four days since the doctor showed Noch a picture of the petrie casts, which holds his legs apart with a pole in between his casted legs, and told him it might be anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks that he might need to live like that. Four days since Noch got all teary on the way out of the doctors office and asked "but can I still have a birthday party this weekend?"
So it's been a hard year for Nochy. Who loves running around, loves sports, and is constantly on the move. We had to pull him out of sports camp- and push him around in a big stroller constantly, not very fun.
So here I am the night after the party wondering where we'll be a year from now. There are so many positives here. We're talking about a hip, not life and death, and that's something I'm always clear about. We also are blessed to live in a city with so many top hospitals and specialists. So many other people with this rare disorder have to travel for every appointment and every procedure. We have a family, a community, and most importantly, G-d behind us, and I know we'll be okay.
But its hard to think that we may not know whats coming. We have appointments to see two different specialists to confirm our doctors recommendations, but still who knows. He may need to sleep on the first floor and I may need to sleep down here with him. He may not be able to go to school, or may be able to but only if we hire an aide to assist him. He will need to get around with a wheelchair and, I don't know, I can't even begin to let my mind wander to all of the what it's.
Online there are stories of seemingly crazy and severe stories of kids with perthes- and they scare me. Are they the exception or the rule?
So happy birthday big guy. I love you- I wish for you only health, happiness, and strength this year. I think we're all going to need it.

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