Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Decision Part 2

Well me made the decision- and though at times it felt like flipping a coin, we decided to go with the Petrie Casts.
To me one of the hardest parts of this is the not knowing, the feeling like something big is coming but having no details, no certainty, and nothing to "do" about it.
Once we decided I wanted the surgery date immediately. Lets decide, lets get it on the calendar now. But ofcourse, it took dates to get a date from the doctor and the hospital. At one point they gave us the date of next Friday, which besides being incredibly soon is also the day of my best friends eldest son's bar mitzvah- um, yeah, not happening. I was already envisioning walking about and forth 3 or 4 times from the hospital to the bar-mitzvah- but luckily that date fell through and they came back to us with December 3rd.
December 3rd.
In some ways it was such a relief- I rubbed my hands together and thought ok, action time, here we go. I called his teachers, I called our parents, I called our friends, I called our pediatrician, and called and called and called.
Ofcourse, ironically, my husband will be coming home from Israel that day and won't arrive until the next morning. But we didnt have a choice.
That and something else added on to it- have I mentioned we made a trip to Disneyworld in January?
We never take our whole family on trips, its not in our budget. But this year we agreed to go.because my father moved down there and we got some extra money and we found a crazy deal for $100 a ticket and..... so we're going.
But Nochy won't fit on the rides in a petrie cast, and we can't go to Disney world and not let him do anything, and he needs to be in the casts for 6 weeks.....
Six weeks from December 3rd is January 14th, besides being our wedding anniversary- we leave to Orlando January 17th.... phew... if everything goes right.
I'll write more later about all of the preparation we need- but we're rolling now...

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