Thursday, November 26, 2015

One Week To Go and Counting....

T-minus one week from the procedure.
The very last thing we had been waiting for was another consultation from Dr. Schoenecker in St Louis who is a top pediatric guy who wrote the study that our Dr Roberts is basing his opinion on to follow this particular treatment recommendation.
The longer we went without hearing from him, the more nauseous it made me. Like what, we were going to stop this train in its tracks? What were we doing here?
I had a really great davining (prayer) session Tuesday morning, and I asked G-d for clarity- and I felt much better after that.
That night I had work and saw clients until 9:05  and when I went to take my phone off of silent- there it was, the expected phone call form the 314 area code.
I sat in my office and listened. The good news, he agreed with everything Dr. Roberts was recommending-
The bad news- he warned me, he said just for my sake and my son's sake- that this is a process that may take a few years and he may be in the brace after the cast for 6 to 18 MONTHS!>!>!>
In some ways I felt free to start planning and move forward, which was awesome. In other ways, I felt suddenly sad, so sad. Its so much for a little guy to have to go through. Its a really long time to not live a "normal" life. It is a hip, and not a heart- but this is also a nice sized chunk of his childhood.
Monday night Nochy has his last Physical therapy session for awhile. Afterwards in the car driving home he said "mommy, can you turn off the music I want to ask you questions about my cast." So we talked, and when we got to the part about the brace- he started crying. He said "I can handle the six weeks in the cast, but why do I have to wear a brace afterwards- why can't I just be better after the casts already."?
So hard, I don't have an answer...
That night I googled- I found this video- which made me cry and made me smile at the same time..
And now I am frantically trying to put plans in place, meals, carpools, picking up my kids, swimming lessons, etc. etc.
Thank G-d, I have amazing friends and family- I don't know what I would do without them.
Last night my husband and I went away for the night to a hotel. In my head I kept thinking of it as the last moment of calm before the storm. 
Its like training for a marathon just got be methodical, planful, and calm- but at the end of the day- you never know what could happen- and we're just going to roll with it.

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