Sunday, December 27, 2015

Going Back to School

Its been a few weeks since I started writing this post, but my overwhelming feeling  of gratitude towards my son's school knows no limits at this point.
Everyone disagrees with their kids school from time to time and sometimes even thinks the pasture must be greener on the other side somewhere.
And truthfully I was scared. There are a lot of reasons why it would have been easy for the school to say they couldn't accommodate Nochy in their school. I have read horror stories online of parents who were forced to homeschool during the duration of this Petrie cast thing (and if that had been me I don't think I would be alive to be writing this post, seriously, so you are all amazing those home schooling mothers.....)
But not only did my son's school welcome us in with open arms. They created this, as shown above. They threw him a party, decorated his desk with balloons, and the principal bought donuts for everyone.
Then when it was time for recess, they carried his wheelchair up to the yard (no it's not a scene from straight out of Compton) and made Nochy permanent quarterback....
Its brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it.
He still has it rough. He can't go to library since it's up too many steps and theres isn't enough man power to bring him out to recess everyday. I have to drop him off 15 minutes late and pick him up 15 minutes early everyday so he doesn't get trampled (or truthfully trample someone else) and sometime the sum total of everything he cannot do makes him cry and want to stay home.
But he can go to school! Hooray! Which means we can live a normal (ish) life during all of this.
His teachers are amaaaaazing. They are so on top of how's he doing, how he's feeling, and checking in with me all the time. And they do this out of the goodness of their hearts because they're good people.
More on how I've literally become a chauffeur another time- but life is gaining some normalcy and it's all thanks to my son's amazing school, principals, and teachers.

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