Saturday, December 12, 2015

Learning to live life with a petrie cast

So it's been a week since the surgery and I can't believe it. It's been so long and so short at the same time.

We are doing ok and it amazing how different every day is.
Never thought I would say this, but thank G-d for a portable commode. On days when by the time I get to Nochy he REALLY has to go to the bathroom, theres no time to get him all the way to the bathroom, so this portable toilet is the best thing ever.
Also, he can't stay in his chair the whole time- so we have been trying out different positions, especially to help him be able to get off his bottom, which gets pretty sore from sitting all day. This tummy on bean bag chair position also helps him to be able to play on the floor, which is great for all sorts of games.
The two most difficult situations are going to the actual bathroom and getting in and out of the house and into the car.
For the bathroom, this has gotten better the more the week has gone on. We can now drive him down the hallway to the bathroom, then get him up on his "legs". Then he can miraculously drag himself through the bathroom using his arms grasping the bathroom sink vanity. When he needs to only stand up and go to the bathroom, he can mostly do this by himself, and then wash his hands and be done. I just have to help him get back into the seat and spot him while he is standing so he doesn't fall down. When he needs to sit down to use the bathroom I have to pick up his legs and hold them for the duration and just pray I don't get peed on (yes that has happened).
The other really hard situation is going up and down the stairs in front of our house and getting in and out of the car. For the time being I have been "bumping" him down in his wheelchair. And then we pull the chair sideways really close to the open van door. Then we put a bean bag chair in between the seat and the car and I hold his legs and he crab walks sideways into the car. Then he buckles and I put the beanbag underneath his feet. We get out the same way. We have been experimenting with possibly using the wooden board underneath his legs as a plank from his chair to the car bench seat and this might be an easier surface to use to hand crawl across. We'll keep you posted.
The way up the stairs and into the house hasn't been easy- the "easiest" has been having his crab walk backwards up the stairs while I hold his legs. We have also done a fireman carry when there's someone else with me. We just have to be careful to never lift him from the top half of his body.
Week One is now done, only 5 more to go......

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