Thursday, December 3, 2015

Surgery Day

Well today was the day we've all been waiting for,  petrie cast day. Since thankfully I haven't had a lot of experience with surgeries this was brand new to both of us.
He couldn't eat at all today which was hard because the surgery was in the afternoon.
When they finally took us to the OR, we met a lot of different people,  dr roberts ofcourse,  but I couldn't believe how many nurses, PAs, and anesthesia people there were.
They explained that he'd breathe into a mask and he'd fall asleep and then they'd give iv sedation in the OR. Here's some pictures from before they got started.

Then they took him away, and I thought my throat closed for a second but it passed quickly and on came the waiting game.

It's scary to be in a surgery waiting room. Every time the door opens, everyone looks up, everyone is so nervous and tense.

They told us two hours so by two and a half hour I was going crazy.

Then when I was a minute away from losing it out came dr roberts.  He said the surgery was successful,  he put the casts through the feet and there's a  double bar.

They cut the groin muscle and inserted a camera so they could put his hip socket just where they wanted it and then casted him that way.  They also took a mold for the brace he's going to wear after the cast.

Once I was finally allowed to see him in recovery he was not a happy man.  Just pretty weepy and not happy about the IV.

Dr roberts mentioned that it is possible he may have to do the Petrie casts more than once,  phew, breathe, one day at a time.

Since then he's had some ice cream and water but not too much else.

He has said more than once,  "mommy this cast is so heavy".

His teacher called and he got the best smiles out of him so far.

That's it for today,  I hope we both get some sleep.

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